SMCC Safety Minute - Hidden Hazard of Button Batteries - January 7, 2025

While we have been short on snow this winter, colder weather is headed our way. Know before you go outside: Avoid, Spot and Treat Frostbite or Hypothermia

In the event of a hypothermia or frostbite emergency seek medical care. 
CDC tips to prevent frostbite and hypothermia 
Maine communities are opening warming centers for family, friends, or neighbors in need of a warm space.  To find a location, google "warming center" or "warming shelter" with the name of your county or town.  Also check this MEMA Link

Employee Incident Report Forms

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Click HERE for 20 minute video tour of new form with examples 


For non-work related injuries or accidents experienced by students or visitors


Office Ergonomics

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OUCH - is sitting at the computer all day causing you aches and pains??

Take a few minutes to stop the pain by reviewing these tips for improving computer comfort.


This presentation is for reference only.  SMCC uses the online program for Safety and HR Training


Take a quick stretch break to keep aches and pains away


ATTENTION Dual Monitor Users - This info is for you!


Work Safe - Go Home Safe

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Screws, tacks, glass, fish bones - there are a lot of sharp objects that can puncture and cut someone handling trash. Used hypodermic needles should always go into a red sharps container. 


Remember: Surface, Attention, Footwear, Environment


Safety Minutes

Find Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provide useful information about the chemicals we use at SMCC. Faculty, staff, and students can retrieve SDS documents with a few clicks of a mouse. First time users should check out the MSDS OnLine Quick Start Guide below.

Click here to access MSDS Online 

GoMaine Alternative Commuting

SMCC has officially joined the GoMaine program which is a state funded program promoting alternative commuting (car pooling, taking the bus, walking, biking etc) and allows users to track environmental offsets and earn rewards. 


By being an official 'partner' our employees are now also eligible for an emergency ride home if there is an emergency.  SMCC students who use the SMCC bus pass program (or bike or walk) can register and earn points/prizes too.


To learn more and register click HERE!

Staff Training

New-hire employees shall complete training within 15 days of hire and/or before performing an applicable task whichever comes first (e.g. must have PPE training before the employee can don PPE).

 Click here to access Vector Solutions

The Training Matrix by Position highlights initial and annual recurrent training employees receive. Courses are applicable to all employees of SMCC including student workers.

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The Vector Solutions platform will provide SMCC Faculty, Staff and Student Workers with access to a wide assortment of Safety Training.  Not familiar with Vector Solutions?  Check out the Quick Start guide to get up and running!  


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SMCCs training platform will platform automatically email each employee when training is (past) due. Here is an example message:

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Environmental & Occupational Safety Compliance Statement

The procedures herein apply to all SMCC employees. Please read the full statement.

Academic Safety at Southern Maine Community College

A campus with a strong safety culture promotes confidence within the learning environment. It is the policy of SMCC to help students acquire the skills necessary to incorporate good safety practices into their topic(s) of study.

Please read the full statement

Accident Investigation Plan

Southern Maine Community College strives to provide a safe work place. The plan works in conjunction with the Employee Injury/Illness Management Policy Procedure and the Student & Visitor Accident Reporting Procedure to identify, report, and mitigate unsafe conditions on campus. 

Bloodborne Pathogens- Exposure Control Plan

OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) is designed to protect workers from the hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens. Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) and Other Potentially Infectious Materials (OPIM) are a set of defined  pathogenic microorganisms present in human blood, bodily fluids and unfixed tissue or organs that can cause disease in humans.


Chemical Hygiene Plan

The Chemical Hygiene Plan applies to faculty, staff and work-study students who may come into contact with chemicals during laboratory activities. SMCC has established general safe operating procedures for Science Labs.

Confined Spaces

This policy explains confined spaces vs. permit-required confined spaces and details staff responsibilities.  SMCC employees will not enter permit required confined spaces.

Fire Prevention and Emergency Action Plan

Southern Maine Community College is committed to minimizing the threat of fire to persons and property. This document spells out employee procedures when responding to fires and serves to reduce the risk of fires.  

First Aid Kit Management

This procedure outlines how to manage first aid kits located on campus.

Forklift & Cart Safety & Training

Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT) are specialized, power propelled, industrial trucks, used to carry, push, pull, lift, stack or tier materials. At SMCC, PIT are propane or battery-powered forklifts.
Golf/Utility Carts (Cart) are intended to carry people and small amounts of equipment on the college campus.
SMCC employees (including student workers) are NOT permitted to operate a PIT or Cart without completing all necessary training. 

Hazard Communication Plan

OSHA requires that employers afford their employees a safe work environment and provide a Hazard Communication Program.  This program addresses potential risks that are associated with chemicals in the work place.


Any Department Chair, Professor, Faculty or Staff member wishing to introduce a new chemical on the campus must fill out the attached form and follow the directions prior to ordering the chemical. We must have knowledge of all hazardous chemicals on the campus and log them in the SDS on-line library.

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Ladder Safety

Any SMCC Department, which possesses one or more ladders, will perform an annual, documented inspection on a designated form. Inspection forms will be retained within the Department and a completed “Ladder Inspected” sticker placed on each ladder for quick confirmation. Form and stickers available from EH&S Coordinator at 207.741.5932.

Lock Out Tag Out

Southern Maine Community College developed this Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Program to protect employees from injuries while servicing and maintaining equipment. The program establishes requirements for hazardous energy control to ensure that machines and equipment are isolated from all potentially hazardous energy sources whenever servicing or maintaining activities are in progress. This program follows OSHA’s Hazard requirements outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations at 29 CFR 1910.147.

Marine Vessel Safety

This plan establishes the requirements of the SMCC Marine Vessel Operators including general rules of operation, employee training /qualification requirements and incident reporting. 

Mobile Elevating Work Platform Procedure

A Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) is a device designed to lift the user off the ground to perform work tasks (e.g. replace light fixtures or paint a ceiling).  

This procedure covers Type 1, Group A (1A) equipment such as SMCC’s Genie AWP-30S or Type 3, Group A (3A) equipment such as a scissor lift. 

SMCC Employees are not trained to operate Group B units such as extendable boom platforms and articulating boom platforms.


N-95 Respiratory Protection Program

The purpose of this program is to ensure that employees of Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) required to wear respiratory protection as a condition of their employment are protected from respiratory hazards through the proper use of respirators. The provisions of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Program, 29 CFR 1910.134 apply and includes guidance on the Volunteer Use of Filtering Facepiece Respirators and EHMRs.  

On-Campus Use And Storage Of Micromobility Devices

SMCC implemented this procedure as a way to protect life and property from the risk of fire associated with Micromobility devices including, but not limited to ebikes, escooters, and hoverboards. 

Personal Protective Equipment Program AND Job Hazard Assessments

Job Hazard Assessments (JHAs) identify the potential hazards within a workspace and assign required personal protective equipment (PPE), engineering controls (i.e. machine guarding) and/or work practice controls (i.e. written procedures) to mitigate employee injuries.

Scent Policy

Please do not use or bring air freshening products in shared spaces such as open offices, classrooms, restrooms, or common areas. 

This policy was updated in 2024 to exclude odor control products used by Facilities. 

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Air Emissions License

This ME DEP issued air emissions license is valid for 10 years, effective August 24, 2023.  The license covers specific boilers on the South Portland Campus.

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South Portland Campus


Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures

Southern Maine Community College requires a SPCC plan because we have an accumulative total of more than 10,000 gallons of oil product on site that is contained in 55 gallon drums or greater.

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South Portland Campus

SMCC will report oil spills, regardless of size, to the DEP

Waste Management

Refuse (i.e. office or kitchen waste), recycling (i.e. plastic bottles or paper), scrap metal (i.e. old refrigerator or metal desk) and grease trap solids are managed by Facilities. Please contact them for assistance. 

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Waste covered by this program includes, but is not limited to, used oil, used antifreeze, fluorescent/LED/CFL bulbs, rechargeable batteries, electronic/computer waste, cathode ray tube monitors or TVs, articles continuing elemental mercury, laboratory waste, expired chemicals and aerosol cans which contain material but have lost their propellant.


This document explains the management of corrosive liquid waste generated, by students and instructors, in the learning environment.


Here's a simple guide to what YOU can put into SMCC's recycling bins.  Want to learn more? Visit Waste Management's website!


Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Documents

**NEW**  All the info you need at a glance.

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The Modified SWMP is in effect 10/1/2022 until 9/30/2027 unless administratively extended by the Maine DEP.  

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This Operation and Maintenance Plan is designed to support our MS4 Stormwater permit. Employees and contracted service providers may have responsibilities across multiple sections of this document. 

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Contractors and vendors who work on campus need to comply with specific procedures regarding stormwater pollution prevention, erosion & sedimentation control and installation of Low-Impact Development mechanisms. 


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This is SMCC's procedure to mitigate illicit stormwater discharges and aligns with MCM3 of the MS4 Permit applies to all employees, contractors and vendors.

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The performance standards outlined in this document apply to new and redevelopment sites on the South Portland Campus disturbing greater than or equal to one acre of land, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development. This satisfies MCM5 of our MS4 Permit.

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Any construction activity which results in 2,000 square feet of disturbed area on the South Portland campus must abide by the City of South Portland's Planning Board Regulation #2. Contractors will be responsible for the creation, approval and implementation of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control (ESC) Plan where required by Regulation #2 and all tasks within this statement.  



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Interlocal Stormwater Working Group (ISWG)

SMCC is a member of the Interlocal Stormwater Working Group (ISWG, pronounced izzy-wig) consisting of 14 municipalities and two nested communities, in the Greater Portland, ME area, working collaboratively to reduce the impact of stormwater pollution on local waterways.

The Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District coordinates ISGW and provides regional support and implementation of many of the permit's six required minimum control measures.

ISWG meets on the third Thursday of every other month to discuss stormwater issues. If you are interested in attending an online ISWG meeting, please contact the EH&S Coordinator at for details.

Learn how to have a naturally beautiful lawn:


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Think Blue Maine is a statewide campaign that provides resources and information for residents, businesses, and municipalities to reduce stormwater pollution.


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Welcome to the Environmental, Health & Safety Portal

Sorry you had to scroll all the way down to the bottom to read this.  There is a lot of valuable information to share with SMCC Employees and it is tough deciding how to fill the prime real-estate.

My name is Jennifer Otenti and I’m YOUR Environmental, Health & Safety Coordinator.  My desk is in the Fort Building with the Security Office.  Call 207.741.5932, email, or stop by. 

No Safety Question or Concern is unimportant, silly or lame.  While you should always bring immediate safety concerns to your Supervisor, you can call upon the EH&S Coordinator for support.

Have a suggestion for improving Safety in our workplace?  I’d love to hear it! 

Workplace injuries or illnesses should be reported ASAP by notifying your Supervisor and Human Resources (Fill out the Employee First Report of Injury form above).  When left unreported and untreated, injuries can worsen with time. What started off as a minor, easy to heal sprained ankle could turn into a significant injury involving lost work days, multiple Dr visits and lots of discomfort. 

You work to live – not live to work.  Go home safely each day.