The objective of this class is to use watercolors to paint from nature, gaining mastery of the technique and exploring the environment. Costal Maine has been an influential landscape for artists throughout the past century: John Marin, Marsden Hartley, Rockwell Kent, Fairfield Porter, and many others found it an inspiring place to investigate modern painting, and watercolor was the medium that allowed them the freedom to explore. Southern Maine Community
College’s costal location will allow us to follow this tradition as we learn how to use watercolor outdoors to paint from observation. Students will learn skills needed to paint in watercolor, such as paper preparation, lifting color, and optical color mixing, and the emphasis will be on engagement with the surrounding environment and a willingness to experiment. Work will take place in the Art Studio and outdoors around the SMCC campus. A field trip to Peaks Island will allow for further exploration, and a second field trip to the Portland Museum of Art and local galleries will provide students with examples of other artists’ reactions to the Maine environment.
Prerequisite(s): none
Corequisite(s): none