Here is a list of Fine Arts courses at SMCC. T
his is a general list of all past and current classes.
Please check the links to the left and the current semester course catalog for details about current offerings.
Art History and Art Appreciation
ARTH 105 Introduction to Visual Art
ARTH 115
Art and Culture
ARTH 120 Modern & Contemporary Art History
ARTH 125 Art and Society
ARTH 130 World Art
ARTH 135 Documentary Photography
ARTH 140 History of Photography
ARTH 145 Survey of Western Art History I
ARTH 155 Survey of Western Art History II
ARTH 175 History of Illustration
ARTH 185 Comics & Sequential Art
ARTH 295 Portfolio Seminar
Studio Art
ARTS 110 Drawing I
ARTS 120 Ceramics I
ARTS 125 Jewelry & Metalsmithing I
ARTS 129 Drawing on Nature ARTS 130 2D Design
ARTS 140 3D DesignARTS 145 Screenprinting I
ARTS 149 Papermaking: Surface & Structure
ARTS 150 Metal Arts I
ARTS 155 Woodworking Sculpture
ARTS 160 Printmaking I
ARTS 165 Collage, Assemblage & Found ObjectARTS 170 Photography IARTS 179 Alternative Photographic Processes
ARTS 180 Painting I
ARTS 189 Watercolor
ARTS 190 Illustration
ARTS 210 Drawing IIARTS 220 Photography IIARTS 230 Painting IIARTS 240 3D Design II: Sculpture StudioARTS 250 Metal Arts IIARTS 260 Printmaking IIARTS 270 Ceramics IIMusic and Theater CoursesMUSI 100 Music Appreciation & History
MUSI 105 SMCC Chorale
MUSI 110 Fundamentals of MusicMUSI 125 World MusicMUSI 135 Jazz Appreciation & HistoryTHEA 105 Introduction to Acting
THEA 155 Modern Dance